Friday, April 30, 2010

Regarding Shipping Rates

In one of my earlier blogs I mentioned that I was going to be changing my shipping rates to a flat rate.  After consulting with my website host, and my wholesale providers,  it isn't going to be feasible for us to be able to offer the flat rate at this time.  I'm sorry that I can't offer this at this time.  I'm hoping, that in the future we will be able to offer this, so we can save you some money.  I did however, update my order information page with some new and old information.  I will be adding alot more new products over the weekend.  And I'm working on a new Primitive Mail Holder design, that will be added next week.  Hope you all have a good weekend!!! ~Jody~

Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Painting-Domed Mantel Clock

Hello blogging friends!  Well as promised here is the clock I've been talking about.  This was a little challenging for me.  This is the first Holly Hanley design I've ever painted.  She paints her bears in this painting using a technique I've never heard of nor have ever tried before.  The clock was first stained in a walnut stain.  Then dried for a couple days.  Then the background was painted blue.  The bears were first painted with a medium called "Snowtex".  "Snowtex" is a medium used to create real looking snow.  In this case it made the bears look really furry & fluffy.  But, that's after I painted them with several layers of different colors of paint.  This painting was very fun.  I love painting new designs by various artists, and I'm always up for a new challenge, even if it does take me longer to get it done.  I'm going to include a couple of photos here. A photo of the clock I painted.  And another of a photo of what the clock is suppose to look like by Holly Hanley so you can see how close I got to matching it.   So what do you think folks?   You can find the clock on my website.  Item #620 in the Country Category. Or you can click the link above and it will take directly to it.
Blessings ~Jody~

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grandbaby Photos & Info On New Painting

Hello Blogging Friends!  Hope you all are haveing a good week so far!  I want to share with you some photos of our grandaughter that we took last weekend when they came over.  She is growing like a weed!  The new painting (Domed Mantel Clock) I was working on is finished, and I will be adding it to the blog and my website tomorrow.  Here are some photos of the baby, enjoy! ~Jody~

 Brailynn & I

Look closely at her she is looking at something in the corner.  Guess what it is?  It's a big photo of her that was given to me by my daughter on Valentines Day.  Isn't that funny!  Look at the sheepish grin on her face.  Little poop!   lol  I didn't know she was looking over there till after I got to look through the photos on my computer, and I just had to laugh.  I can't believe she recognizes herself. 

Trying to eat her whole FIST & yes she does try!

Mommas Making her Laugh
My Daughters Family

Brailynn & I

 Brailynn & Mom, My Daughter (Naomie)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shipping Rates Changing & More

I just want to let everyone know that I'm going to be changing my Order Information Page & Shipping Rates, (FOR THE BETTER) hopefully this week if I get time.  If not, I will be working on it till it is done.  I'm going to offer a flat rate for shipping, instead of per package weight.  I'm also going to be making the Order information page easier to read by narrowing it down.

For those of you who havent visited my website, I have added a new line of products,
Victorian Heart Company-Bedding, Tabletop, Throws, Pillows, Shower Curtains, and more.
And today I added another new line, some nice new Lamps, which I think you will find charming.
Items that are coming:  Domed Mantel Clock, Americana Decor, Holiday Collections, and a few Misc Items.

I hope to add some photos of our grandaughter this week, she was over last week and we got some really cute photos of her, she's growing like a weed!  Trying to eat her fist, and drewling everywhere!  lol
Have a great week blogging friends! ~Jody~

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Painting Added

Hello Blogging Friends!  Hope your having a good week so far!  I was intending to have a new painting added yesterday, and wouldn't you know it, I just had to have problems with it!  So, I'm sorry for the delay in this, but it is added now.  I had purchased the piece of dowling for it and had it painted, antiqued it, assembled it, and it was too small.  So, I had to rework that part of the piece which really put me behind.  Then when I did finish it, it was really late at night and the photos just didnt turn out very good.  Well that was part of the problem.  The other part was that I forgot, that I can't antique my pieces before I take the photos, they end up having too much glare.  I need to make a mental note in my head so I don't keep doing that!  You'd think I'd learn!  lol   And if any of you know me, you know that the piece has to be perfect in every way, or it doesn't go out!!!  Anyway, the painting did turn out really nice.  This piece was designed by me with a few of Terrye Frenches favorite things.

This piece is painted on a wood banner. I've painted a saltbox house nestled on a hill with a family of sheep, a couple of trees, a quilt on a quilt rack, with a crow on top, and some white picket fences all nestled on some grassy hills with lots of different colored flowers. There is a wheel barrow with a chicken and a rabbit sitting in a pile of straw at the bottom & there is also a white picket fence that has vines with roses wrapped around it. The sign reads "Home Sweet Home" with a crow sitting on top. The wording is hand painted. I've also painted some twiggy vines and red pip berries around the wording. There are two homespun ties attached to the top to hold the piece together. This piece has been antiqued. It hangs by the stained piece of dowling, and is capped at both ends. It measures 12"W x 15 1/2"T x 1/2"Thick. You may customize this piece using the Customized By You Box.  The price is $32.95 without shipping.  I will calculate shipping after the purchase based on weight and your zip code and send you an invoice for the shipping.  You may pay the shipping using your credit card, or via a Pay Pal account.  Washington State Residents 8.6% sales tax will be added to your purchase.

Customized By You

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Grandbaby Photo

Hello blogging friends!  I want to share with you a new photo of our grandaughter that was taken on Easter weekend.  She's all dressed up and ready to see the Easter Bunny.  The photo is just too cute, not to share!
I will be adding a new primitive painting to the blog and site tomorrow, a Terrye French design, so make sure to check back if your interested in seeing it.  Have a great week! ~Jody~

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's Coming Next

Hello everyone, hope you all had a Happy Easter!

I'm working on getting some other prodcuts added to the site.  They will be added real soon.  They consist of a Primitive Banner & a Mantel Clock.  I will also be adding some Kitchen Textiles, and some other misc items to the site here real soon.  So if your interested please check back. Have a good week!~Jody~


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