Friday, March 26, 2010

The Latest News

Hello everyone! TGIF!  Hope you all had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend!  I have alot of exciting news today, so bear with me, I'll try to keep it short. I will be adding a new Maxine Thomas painting to the site in the next day or so. So stay tuned for that. 

First, our grandaughter doesn't have to have open heart surgery!  We are soooooo glad and releaved!  The cardiologist said as long as she's gaining weight she's ok, and boy is she ever.  She gained a whole pound this week already, lol.  And she's as content as can be. 

Second, I got some really good news yesterday about an L&I claim I had in 2003, (which I had forgot about).  I'm going to be able to buy me a really nice camera now, which I've needed for many years.  So, that means that the photos on my wesite, blogs and groups I belong to will have much better photos of my products!  YEAH!!!  If you only knew how frustrated I've been with the darn camera I've been using since starting this business in 2003, you'd understand my excitment.  The detail in my work is going to show up a whole lot better now!  So I look forward to providing you with much better photos!

Third, I'm excited to tell you that I've been accepted into the group "Old Farmhouse Gathering Team", and also the Primitive Peddler Cafe group!  I'm very excited about this, because I've been following a few of these gals for quit some time, and wanted to be in their group.  I've met some nice gals and am making lots of new friends.   I'm in the process of trying to figure out how to put both those companys banners on my blog, so you can find them.  The "Old Farmhouse Gathering Team" has lots of members.  There is a large number of them selling items on When you go there type in OFG in the search box, and all the items from every member will come up for you see.  I'm there too.  I'm selling most of my (One Of A Kinds) there.  My store name is (adorablecc), or you can find me by typing ofg in the search box. 

Fourth, I'm happy to annouce that I'm going to be selling VHC (Victorian Heart Company) products on my website.  I will be offering Kitchen Accessories, Curtins, &  Bedding.  I'd like to carry a large variety of their products, so it gives you more options to choose from.  Their products are very nice very nice! 

And last but not least.  I went to one of the antiques store in town today.  I found some really neat items to paint and sell.  Here's a photo of all of the things I found.  If your interested in having me paint any of these items for you, let me know what you'd like, and what kind of painting you want on it.   If not, I will eventually get to them! lol  Here's the photos.  Have a good weekend!!!  ~Jody~

1 comment:

  1. Wow, lots of adventure in Jody's life. Fun fun:) Congratulations on your new memberships.



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