Thursday, December 30, 2010

Marketplace Monday Feature

I'm finally back to blogging again, after a busy holiday season! I will talk about that later this week, and play catch up. For now, I'd like to show you my Marketplace Monday feature. I'm late in posting it, so I'm posting it today. Todays feature is Cheryl Graver & Twila Shoffstall of Boltz Raggedies. Cheryl & Twila create unique doll & critter patterns, as well as finished dolls & critters to add to your country & prim decor. Take a look at some of the items they have in their Etsy shop.  Talk to ya soon! ~Blessings~Jody

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays Everyone!

We'd like to wish all of our family, friends, customers & acquaintances a wonderful Christmas & Happy New Year!

Thank you to our Blogging & Facebook friends, for leaving such sweet comments.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Rick & Jody Stacy

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Product Updates

I'm doing something different on my website now, and thought I'd fill you all in. Usually my items are made to order on my website, and that is still being offered. What I've done now, is to let you know how many of a particular item I have in stock of my painted pieces. I thought this was a good idea, in case anyone had last minute shopping to do, or wanted something right now.
I'm still working on filling orders for the holiday season, and today I added one more item to my website. I made these Primitive Angels for the craft show I attended a couple weeks ago. I have 4 of these in stock, you can find them here.
I think she's beautiful, and perfect for everyday decor, or as a Christmas decoration.

See ya soon!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Thought I'd do a quick pop in and let ya all know, that I've been absent for a while and will continue to be until after Christmas. We had Thanksgiving, then a Craft Show we attended, and then received a bunch of Christmas orders that were busy filling. So I haven't had much time to blog. I will be back after the Christmas orders are finished. I hope you all are doing ok, and I look forward to doing some blog hopping after everything calms down some.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Special & Free Shipping!

Happy Holidays Everyone! Today I'm offering 15% off every purchase at checkout, and Free Shipping on orders of $100.00 or more! Great way to save money & get that Christmas gift for someone special!!!
Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all my friends, family & customers I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Marketplace Monday Etsy OFG Artisian Charlene of Cat's Designs

Good Monday morning blogging friends! Today I'm featuring Charlene with Cat's Designs for my Marketplace Monday. Charlene has been crafting for 30 years. Here is some info on Charlene, and a couple of things she has in her store. Please stop by her store to see what else she has to offer! She makes some really wonderful items!

1. What is the name of your Etsy shop and why did you choose that name?
My Etsy shops name is CatsDesigns and I chose it because those are the initials in my name and at the time I couldn't think of anything else.

2. How long have you been on Etsy?
I joined Etsy in March of 2008.

3. What type of items do you offer?
I offer Prim and Folkart decorations for your home, dolls, handbags and jewelry.

4. How long have you been crafting?
It seems like I've been crafting all my life. When I was younger we didn't have a television until I was 10 years old, so I use to design dresses for my dolls out of old clothes.

5. Who or What inspires you?
God inspires me the most by allowing me to do what I love to do. Also the many pattern designers who come up with these fabulous designs. Right now I am most inspired by artists like Terrye French, Renee Mullins and Jamie Mills Price. My favorite doll designers are Maureen at Sweet Meadows Farm and Kat from Kats Country Prims.

6. What is your favorite item in your shop and why?
It's hard to pick just one item it changes with what I'm doing at the time. I love painting and sewing for the seasons.

7. Other places where you can be found (Ebay, webstore, blog)
My Etsy shop at:

My Blog at:

My Picturetrail at: www.picturetrail/

Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Art Room

Hello all my blogging friends! I can't believe the week is almost over all ready, can you? Geeze time seems to be flying by for me. It was suggested that I give you a tour of where I work, so I thought I would share some photos of my art room. We've actually turned one of our bedrooms in our home into a "Do It All Room! And I literally mean that!  My office, painting area, scrapbooking area, sewing, shipping and inventory are all in one room! So here it is.
My Office

My Painting area.

Scrapbooking area.

Shipping area.

My sewing machines are pulled out as needed, and that isn't very often, for now. The inventory is on the right, (the glass doors) a double door closet that is full to the brim with items to paint! As you can see I'm a very organized gal, it helps with production if I have everything I need in one room. Ok, now onto the stuff I'm making. The Terrye French stuff is in the works, and will be added next week. Have a great Friday everyone! ~Blessings~Jody

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Primitive Ornaments - Terrye French & My Designs

Ok, so I know this is my second post for the day, but remember I said I was going to blog about the new ornaments I've been making.  So here they are.  The first set is a Terrye French design. They were made to look old for a time worn look. You can find both of these at;
Here is another set that I designed, these were fun to make too! They were painted crackled white over black, painted to look old. They have a willow tree & the word "Simplify" painted on both sides. Each has rusty wire legs, and a rusty bell hanging off their neck, and hang from tea dyed red plaid ticking. Both sets of ornaments are available as singles, or sets!

I have several Terrye French Christmas things I'm working on right now and hope to have them up by the end of the week. Talk to ya soon!~Blessings~Jody
Anyone interested in my products can find my items here under the Hand Painted By Me category. Thank you for your interest in my products! ~Jody~

Hand Painted Snowman

Happy Wednesday everyone! "Meet Snow Bright". I painted this Snowman, a Renee Mullins design, in Buttermilk, and then decided he needed to be lightened up, so I textured him in white, so he actually looks like a snowman. Snow Bright has an attached wood nose, and arm. He's wearing a green vest adorned with snowflakes, and a blue scarf. He has a Saltbox house with trees and stars on the lower half of him. The back of him is painted in solid matching colors. What is nice about him, is that you can have him with different options at no additional charge. Options are: Have him painted plain with no scene. With the scene, and with or without snowtex, battery operated tealight or regular tealight, as you can see from the photos below he looks different in each one. He's holding a miniture black metal lantern in each photo, with glass sides & handle, that holds a battery operated tealight, or a regular tealight candle. He comes assembled to the base and ready to use. He measures 29" Tall x 18" Wide from tip of arm to edge of scarf x 1" Thick. The base he is attached to is painted white and shaded to match him. He has a brace in the back that he is screwed to so he stands firmly. The base measures 10" Long x 4" Wide x 1" Thick.
With scene.

Without scene.

With SnowTex, you can click on the photo to see where I've added it. But it's on his hat, nose, several spots on his arm, twig arm, roof of house, and on the hill.
I have finished a set of Primitive Christmas Ornaments, and will be posting them later today as well.
See ya soon!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Marketplace Monday Etsy OFG Artisian Barb Stock of Barb's Heartstrokes

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Today's Marketplace Monday feature is Barb Stock of Barb's Heartstrokes. Barb lives in Utah with her husband and two children. Barb creates wonderful whimsical paintings, and they're adorable, as you can see below. Please stop by her Etsy shop, she has wonderful items you'll love! Here's a little about Barb and a link to her Etsy shop.

1. What is the name of your Etsy shop and why did you choose that name?
‘Heartstrokes ’ came about because I was an Intensive Care Cardiac nurse and was learning to paint. So between my job and learning to paint they were both quite a challenge. But anything that is a challenge usually is worth it. So when I started a business it seemed natural to combine the two.

2. How long have you been on Etsy?
Brand new since April 2010

3. What type of items do you offer?
I hand paint everyday and seasonal designs on framed fiberglass black screen with acrylic paint. It has a flair of folk art, primitive, and whimsy. I also paint ornaments , magnets, and any surface that looks interesting to me.

4. How long have you been crafting?
I have been painting for about 14 years. My husband was in the Air force and was deployed overseas so I took an acrylic painting class at a local craft store and loved it!

5. Who or What inspires you?
Many artists of the painting world inspire me, fun whimsical patterns and COLORS!

6. What is your favorite item in your shop and why?
That is a hard question to answer…I end up falling in love with what ever I happen to be painting at the present time. But my latest favorite is I love this Witch!

7. Other places where you can be found (Ebay, webstore, blog)?
I have a fairly new blog at
Have a great day everyone!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kitchen Cabinet Panels-Custom Work

Good Friday morning blogging friends! I hope you all have had a wonderful week so far! Today I wanted to show you the Kitchen Cabinet Panels that I painted for one of my customers in Florida. Sandra sent me the panels along with the dimensions for the framing that fits the outside of the Cabinets, and here is what I painted for her. A wonderful country/primitive setting.

 Today or tomorrow I will be adding a new Snowman to the blog and my website. If you love Snowmen, or are a Snowman collector your not going to want to miss this one, he's adorable! That's it for today, hope you all have a great day!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

God Bless Our Vets!

Today lets remember the men & women who have fought and are still fighting for our country. Let's honor them for giving us our freedoms, that sometimes we take for granted. God Bless those who have fought for our country & freedom! Thank you for your service, we appreciate you more than words can say!
~God Bless~

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chenille Snowman With Cardinals

It's a cold rainy blustery fall day here in Washington state this morning. And as I sit here drinking my coffee and watching the weather report I was thinking about snow! I know some of you already have some, wish we did! I LOVE snow! Anyhow I thought I'd show you my Chenille Snowman that I've made.

He's featured in the November issue of Country Sampler magazine (pg 62 in a room setting & 187 with my company info). This little guy is made of Chenille fabric. He's stuffed and weighted at the bottom so he stands firmly. This particular one I have antiqued the  fabric with tea, vanilla & cinnamon. He's been sprinkled generously with Mica Glitter. His eyes, and buttons are peppercorns, his nose is made of wood and hand carved. He has rosy pink cheeks. He's wearing a red fleece scarf around his neck. In his left hand he holds a birdhouse on a post. The right hand he's holding some twig sprigs with red cardinals perched on the branches. I've also attached a black felt hat to his head, which has a birds nest, and cardinal sitting in the nest. There is snow (snow tex) on many of the twig branches, his nose, & his hat & the birdhouse.
What's great about this snowman, is you can get him without the antiquing, glitter, and scent, and you may also choose your birdhouse color. And, you won't find him anywhere else but here! These make perfect gifts for friends and family. Here is a direct link to him on my website.
Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a good day!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Giveaway at The Rusty Thimble!

Hey everyone, have you heard Brenda at The Rusty Thimble is having a giveaway! Your going to want to check it out! A Chance to win a bunch of her hand made ornaments! You have to go see these, they're all adorable, and she's still making more! Here's the link to her giveaway! Good luck! NEW LINK!
Have a great evening everyone!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Marketplace Monday Etsy OFG Artisian Cindy of Artbyme

Good Monday Morning everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It's time to showcase another artist from our Olde Farmhouse Gathering group. This week I'd like to introduce Cindy of Artbyme. Cindy creates some beautiful items. Here is an example of what you can find in her Etsy store. Stop by her store and take a look!

1. What is the name of your Etsy shop and why did you choose that name?
Artbyme That is my name on Ebay and wanted to keep everything the same.

2. How long have you been on Etsy?
Little over a year

3. What type of items do you offer?
Primitive Folk Art Dolls

4. How long have you been crafting?
Over 20 years

5. Who or What inspires you?
I can get inspiration from just about anything. I do get a lot from other creative people.

6. What is your favorite item in your shop and why?
Halloween items. I love creating Halloween items.

7. Other places where you can be found (Ebay, webstore, blog)

Have a good week everyone!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Products Coming Soon!

Hello Blogging Friends!  First, I wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be starting my Market Place Monday feature again, this week. This is where I feature an artist from the Olde Farmhouse Gathering group that I belong to.  We also have some new members in the group and I can't wait to feature them as well.
I've been adding alot of new products to the website, both Fall & Winter Home Decor products.  Right now I'm working on some new hand painted Christmas Decor products, painted by me, that I'm really excited about, and I think you will be too! And, with the new products comes a show I'll be attending in December here in my home town of Port Orchard, WA.
I finally finished the Cabinet Panels I told you about, I will post the photo of them some time this week!  So check back to see the new hand painted Christmas products I'm making, you won't be disappointed!
I'm also offering free shipping on my website for orders of $100.00 or more. This is a good time to order early for the holidays, and save on those shipping costs!
I hope your all having a good week!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Winter Holiday Celebration at OFG

Hello Blogging Friends! Hey the Old Farmhouse Gathering group is having their Winter Holiday Celebration!
The celebration runs from Oct 18th - Nov 20th! You really need to go check it out! The members have outdone themselves and made a ton of Winter items for this celebration.  Everyday there is something new to see, so make sure you check them out on a daily basis so you don't miss the wonderful items these gals have to offer! Here's the link Once there type in WHCOFG in the search box and all the items for this Celebration will come up! I wasn't able to participate in this one due to rebuilding my website. But, I look forward in participating in the next one! Have a great week everyone!

Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm Back!

Hello Blogging Friends! Hey I'm back! I've been gone for about a month rebuilding my website.   All I can say, is that I wish that on no one! It took me a full month to transfer all my products over and get things up and running.  But, I am glad that I did it, because it will make surfing my website faster and easier for my customers.  It looks more professional too!  Any way, I'm going to be having a sale soon, to celebrate the new site, and will post it here to let you know it's going on. It feels so good to be back, I miss everyone!
Right now I'm working on a Ceramic Utensil Holder, then I'm moving on to a custom order for a customer in Florida. I've been asked to paint to Cabinet Panels for her kitchen. I'm designing these and they're going to be awesome when finished. I will post a photo here when their done. I hope you all are doing well, and can't wait to see what everyone has been up too!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Missing In Action

Ok, so by now you are probably wondering what in the world happened to me.........Why I haven't blogged, done my Market Place Monday, nor a Whatcha Workin On Wednesday!  No, No, nothing is wrong, as a matter of fact everything is great and it couldn't be better! There are a couple reasons why I haven't posted, and will explain.

In my last post dated September 5th, I spoke about the OFG Halloween Celebration.  That is under way on Etsy right now, and runs until September 30th.  I've been busy with our group commenting on the members blogs, making treasuries when I can, and trying to keep up with the happenings around our group.  Here's the direct link to our Halloween Celebration.
Here are two of the items that I made for the Halloween Celebration: You can find both of these items here:
A Primitive Fall Cutting Board inspired by Terrye French.  I just love her designs!  The other is this old bucket that I've turned into a Primitive Fall Floral a OOAK.  It turned out just beautiful!  I had so much fun designing both of these pieces.

Speaking of Terrye French..................I'm getting ready to embark on a new journey with her, and will be joining the "Painting With Friends" group! I'm very excited about this, because I love her work, and I think it will be a ton of fun! I will be offering my patterns on my blog for sale as well as my website, Terrye's website, Ebay, and the "Painting With Friends" blog. I'll give ya the heads up when I complete my first design.
We're getting ready to turn a new leaf here at Adorable Country Classics.  In a few weeks you will see a slight change in the look of my website.  I will still be carrying the great products I have now, and will be adding a whole lot more as soon as the website work is complete.  In this change, it will be easier to navigate my website, and that makes happy customers. 
I've also been really busy filling orders as well. So it's been pretty busy around here, and my time has been limited, therefore my blog has kind of suffered, and I'm sorry about that.  Hopefully I can get the work done in a timely manner so I can get back on track!  I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and I will talk with you soon!~Blessings~Jody

Sunday, September 5, 2010

OFG Halloween Celebration

The Old Farmhouse Gathering group has their Halloween Celebration under way at  There are over 100 new items in this Celebration, but not everyone has their items activated yet, so please check back today to make sure you get to see all the new wonderful items this group has created. Yes, I'm participating in this too!  To find my new items, look for my store name adorablecc.  I currently have four brand new items listed.  Here is the link, make sure you stop by for a visit!  You won't be dissapointed! ~Blessings~Jody

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Old Farmhouse Gathering Group Halloween Celebration

Hope your all having a great weekend so far!  I just wanted to let you know, that the "Old Farmhouse Gathering Group" I belong to, is getting ready for the Halloween Celebration that we're going to be having on Etsy! It will run from September 6-20th!  All of the members have been really busy creating new items for this Celebration, and you will love the items they've all created!  So make sure you visit Once there type in HCOFG in the search box, and all of the items that have been created for this Celebration will be listed.  I will re post this on Monday along with another Marketplace Monday post.  Have a great weekend everyone!~Blessings~Jody

Monday, August 30, 2010

Marketplace Monday Etsy OFG Artisian Jennifer From Country Acres Primitives

Every Monday members from the OFG "Old Farmhouse Gathering" group showcases a OFG member on their blog,  to showcase his/her wonderful hand made items.  This week my feature is Jennifer Redinger from Country Acres Primitives!  Jennifer is a self-taught folk artists.  She loves all things primitive, which shows in her work.  Take a look at some of her hand mades, their really nice!
You can find her Etsy store here:
You can also follow her blog here.
Aren't her products just adorable! Make sure you stop by her shop and see what else she has to offer! ~Blessings~Jody

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What's Coming Next?-Terrye French Designs! One is OOAK! & OFG Halloween Celebration

Good Sunday Afternoon!  Wow it's hard to believe the weekend is almost over already!  I'm spending the weekend painting, which is a very rare for me.  I usually take a break from it.  But because the "Old Farmhouse Gathering" group I belong to, is having a Halloween Celebration on Etsy on September 5th!  I've been painting things for the Celebration.  I've not painted any of Terrye Frenches designs for a while, and I know most of you have requested those.  So in a couple days you will have your opportunity to see those.  At least one of the items is a OOAK, so if you love Terrye French designs, make sure you check back to see those!  When the Halloween Celebration goes live on September 5th, I will supply you a link where you can visit all the members who are participating in this Celebration. OK, have to get back to painting!  Hope you have a great Sunday! ~Blessings~Jody

Friday, August 27, 2010

Primitive Ceramic Canisters

Hello everyone!  Hope you all had a good week!  My weeks been good too!  I've been pretty busy around here.  Finished painting my first set of New Primitive Ceramic Canisters!  And they are awesome!  You will love these! They turned out sooooooo cute!  They've been painted a crackled trail tan over black, and each one has its own scene, primitive star edges, and painted lids with twiggy vine, leaves, and red & mustard pip berries.  Each one has its own saying "Live Well", "Laugh Often", "Love Much", "Live Simply".   They've been antiqued and distressed for that nice prim look.  I offer alot of customization on these, so they can be painted to match your existing decor.  I'm also offering these as a set of 3 or 4.  They have been glazed on the inside and are food safe!  The lids have silicone rubber seals to keep food fresh!    I'm already painting matching kitchen accessories to go with these & another Ceramic Canister Set so stay tuned for those!  You can find them on my site here.
Here are some photos of them.

I'm also working on some Fall Painted items as well, so check back to see those too!  Have a good weekend everyone! ~Blessings~Jody

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Whatch Workin On Wednesday?

It's that time again!  Time to tell everyone what your workin on today!  I've heard and read the blogs that I follow, that everyone is swamped right now!  Either your really busy filling orders or your making new stuff for Fall & Christmas.  So, here's your opportunity to tell everyone what your workin on & get the word out!
Today I'm finishing a custom order primitive mail holder/letter organizer.  It will be added to my site & blog as a new product when finished.  It has a Terrye French design on it.  Then, I'm going to finish my first set of Primitive Ceramic Canisters.  So stay tuned for those!  I hope you have a great day today, and thank you everyone for your comments I really appreciate them! ~Blessings~Jody 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Marketplace Monday Etsy OFG Artisian Sunshine From A Touch Of Sunshine

Good morning everyone!  It's that time again!  Time for another Marketplace Monday Feature!  Today's feature is Sunshine from "A Touch Of Sunshine"!  Sunshine has been selling crafts for 19 years.  She's sold her crafts at craft showa, boutiques and stores in her area.  She loves creating and enjoys making here own patterns. She creates some of the most unique beautiful pieces, that you don't want to miss out on!  So pop on over to her Etsy store.
Here are some of the items you can find in her store.  (My favorite.......The Boots!)  Have a great day everyone!  See you Wednesday for Whatcha Workin on Wednesday!  ~Blessings~Jody

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New Products Added Today!

Hello everyone!  Hope you are having a good weekend! Well, despite waking up with a fever & sinus infection, (I'm ok), I added the new products to my website this morning.  Alot of fall & Halloween decor, plus I added a new painting that I just finished.  Stop on in and take a look, there are some really cute & primitive items!
Have a great Sunday and see you tomorrow for Marketplace Monday!

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Products Coming This Weekend

Hi folks, hope you all have had a great week so far!  It's been just plum busy here!  Just wanted to let you all know that I will be adding some new Primitive products to my website this weekend.  For the most part their Fall products, but I will also be adding one of my new paintings as well.  So drop on over for a visit to see all these wonderful items, you won't be dissapointed!
Have a great weekend everyone! ~Blessings~Jody

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Whatcha Workin On Wednesday?

Good Morning everyone! I know everyone has been really busy catching up and making things for Fall & Christmas.  What are you working on today?  I'd love to hear about your creations, and how your spending your day!  Today, I'm designing a set of Primitive Ceramic Canisters that you can find on my website (unfinished as of now).
 I'm also painting the "Woolen Mills Sheep Sign" that you can find on my site here; 
I will let you know when they're finished and added to my website.  I hope you all have a wonderful day! ~Blessings~Jody

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Primitive Products Added

Good Morning Blogging Friends!  I was busy over the weekend adding new products to the website.  (I will be adding some new fall items real soon).  I added some Primitive Shelves, Primitive Candle Riser, and a Primitive Thermostat Cover.  These are some of the shelves I added to the website.  I also offer other Primitive Shelves as well.  Here is the link to these products.  Have a good day! ~Blessings~Jody

Primitive Collectible Keeper

Primitive Plate/Bowl Shelf

Primitive Willow Tree Shelf

Marketplace Monday Etsy OFG Artsian Nikki Of Country Primitives & Homespun Crafts

Good Morning Blogging Friends!  Today's Marketplace Feature is Nikki Harrison of Country Primitives & Homespun Crafts!  Nikki makes all her crafts one at a time.  She has a passion for the craft and loves the primitive style.  You really need to stop by her store to see all the Primitive creations she's made, their absolutely beautiful!  Here are a couple photos of some of the items you will find in her store.

Have great day everyone! ~Blessings~Jody

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Photos Of Our Grandaughter Brailynn

Hello blogging friends!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and hopefully it wasn't too hot where you are!  I wanted to share with you some recent photos of our Grandaughter Brailynn.  She's going on 8 months old now.  Has two bottom front teeth in, and has went from learning to crawl to pulling herself up and standing.  She's also been trying to talk, and has lots of giggles in her.  She's such a happy baby, and loves to learn and be around people.  I'ts hard to believe she's almost 8 months old already.  Time sure does go by fast these days, at least it does for me.  I wish it would slow down!  Anyway here are some photos of our precious grandaughter. ~Blessings~Jody


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