Hello everyone, how are you all? I did some blog hopping the other night and many of you are creating some very wonderful items, and are very busy! Don't a just love crafting! It's so much fun! I know I promised a photo of my ceramics a couple days ago, and I forgot to post it. For those of you that didn't know, I fired my first set of ceramics last weekend, and I'm so excited that everything turned out great, and that I didn't blow up our house! lol I'm so looking forward to painting these and making more. Here's the photo of my new Bisque! It includes 3 Grease Pots, 2 Butter Churns, 1 Utensil Holder, 2 Salt & Pepper Sets, and 2 Spoon Rests.

Now on to more exciting news! I received a phone call this week from a lovely lady in Pennsylvania who had seen some of my work from a friend of hers, and she has asked me to make her a set of dishes (service for 6) and the design she would like me to paint on them is Birdhouses. She will be giving this set to a friend for Christmas. It was a big surprise, and I'm very excited, and can't wait to get busy making the ceramics, and painting them. But first I have to finish the custom orders in front of hers.
I'm going to be adding more products to our website this weekend. I hope you'll stop by for a visit. The weather here hasn't been too bad here (mid 70's- mid 80's), compared to whats going on back east. I feel for all of you that are having to put up with hot temperatures. I hope you have air conditioners!
Take Care ~Jody~