Thursday, January 21, 2010

2010 New Products List

Hello all! Hope your having a great week so far!   I've compiled a list of new products that I want to add to the site this year.
Recipe Box
Larger Key Cabinet
Outside Mailbox
Coaster Set
Scented Candles
Plaque For Bathroom
Magnet Sets
Primitive Chalkboard
Primitive Spice Rack
Wind Chimes - Mini & Large
Paper Towel Holders
Bird Feeders
Ornaments-Mainly Primitive
Snowman Door Greater
Primitive Christmas Decor
For the most part, their all primitive products.
These are going to be designs by Terrye French, Renee Mullins, Donna Atkins, Kim Klassen & Maxine Thomas, a few Jamie Mills-Price & some designs of my own.

I have added size information for the Primitive Tissue Box Covers, Item #189 on the site this week.  The measurements are for the Puff Plus Tissues.  I will be adding the Kleenex brand real soon, as they are different sizes than the Puff Plus tissues.

Soon I will have the measurments for the Primitive Canister Set #4, Item #159 on the site, along with a new photo of them on the site & blog.  Right now I offer the canisters as 3 to a set, but I'm considering offering those as 4 to a set as well.  I'm also considering offering other wording so you may design them your self. 

I'm also going to be offering stars & pineapples & knob choice as new product options.  The new product options I've recently added to the site are working great!  I've had several people design their own products the way they want them.  Please make sure you check the appropriate boxes when ordering, as your item will be made according to what options you choose.

This year I will also be painting custom orders as well, and will add them to the site as well when their finished.  I hope this helps clarify what you can expect to see this year.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 
Friday I will be adding some new/old products to the site, so check back if your interested.
See ya Friday!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Running Behind

Hello everyone, hope you all had a great weekend!  Now, for news around here.  Well I hate to admit it, but I wanted you to know, I'm running behind on orders & custom orders right now.  I just want to let everyone know, and I hope you will be patient with me. I will keep you updated as things change, and where I am with your product.  Thank You for being patient, I really appreciate it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Hi all! Happy Friday too ya!  I've been busy filling orders this week, so I don't have anything new to offer.  I am however working on a list of items that I will be adding to the site this year.  I wanted to be a little more clearer, so you know what to expect.  So I hope to have the list done and will be adding it to the blog on Monday.  I am also going to be adding some more product options to the site as well, and will let you know what they are and when I add them. I hope you all had a good week, and have a fantastic weekend!  Im going to visit my grand daughter tomorrow!  Yippie!  I can't wait to see her, I miss her bad!
See you next week!

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Product Added -Tender Loving Bear Snowglobe

Hello friends, how are you today?  I hope you had a good week.  I added a new product today.  It's this adorable snowglobe. This was actually requested by one of my customers, thank you Debbie!  The tender loving bear is trying to put the nose back on his snowman.  I used a medium called snowtex to create real looking snow.  I've also used opal dust to give sparkle to his wings, heart and ribbon.  The globe sits on a rectangular base that has been painted with twiggy vines, pine needles, and cranberry pip berries.  The edge of the base is striped with mauve checks & white dots.  The knob and feet are painted & dotted as well.  Measures 10"T x 6 3/4"W x 4" Deep. Comes fully assembled.  This makes a nice winter decoration.   You can find this product in the
Winter Category of the store.
I hope you like it, it turned out cute!  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  A Jamie Mills-Price design.  Price: 38.50
Click on Photo For Larger Image

I'm already working on another product.  I hope to have it done by next friday, it's quite a large painting so I'm not sure on that.  I will keep you posted.  Have a nice relaxing weekend everyone, see ya next week!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Grandbaby Photos & More

Hello everyone!  I want to share some photos of our new grandbaby, she's just darling, and sooooooo precious!
You can click on the photos to see her up close.  Isn't she precious.  Grandma just LOVES her sooooooooo much!

Baby Brailynn Two Days Old

Brailynn 5 days Old

 Her First Bath at Home

Our Little Angel Sleepin

Her First Car Ride

Her Sweet Little Feet

Brailynn & My Daughter

Thank you for letting me share these photos.  I hope you enjoyed them as much as I do. 
Friday I will be adding a new product to the store and to the blog, please stop by and take a peak, it's going to be really cute.  Have a good week, see you friday! ~Jody~

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What's New For 2010?

Hello Everyone!  As many of you know I've been on vacation for a couple weeks.  I'm back now and I'm hard at work.  Over my vacation I did work,  I just didn't paint or create anything.  I did some paperwork, cleaned my art room, and got a little more organized.  I also made a plan of what I'm going to make this year, and got prepared for it.  I'm looking forward to providing you with some awesome creations this year.  The list is long, and too many products to list here, but I'm hopeing I will get through it.  As requested, (thank you for voteing), I will be painting alot more designs by:
Terrye French &
Renee Mullins.
Some other designs that I will paint this year include:
Designs by:
Maxine Thomas
Donna Atkins &
Kim Klassen
I am very excited & I'm looking forward to making these products for you, and I hope you are looking forward to seeing the new products & designs as well. And, as always I will be working on some custom orders, and offering them in my store as well.

We are also planning on attending one big show this year.  We haven't decided which one yet, we have two in mind.  When we have decided, we will let you know. 

We would like to thank everyone of you, for making Adorable Country Classics a success in 2009!  Without you, we would not be here, and we appreciate your patronage!  We look forward to working with you in 2010!  See you soon!


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