In my last post dated September 5th, I spoke about the OFG Halloween Celebration. That is under way on Etsy right now, and runs until September 30th. I've been busy with our group commenting on the members blogs, making treasuries when I can, and trying to keep up with the happenings around our group. Here's the direct link to our Halloween Celebration.
Here are two of the items that I made for the Halloween Celebration: You can find both of these items here:
A Primitive Fall Cutting Board inspired by Terrye French. I just love her designs! The other is this old bucket that I've turned into a Primitive Fall Floral a OOAK. It turned out just beautiful! I had so much fun designing both of these pieces. 
Speaking of Terrye French..................I'm getting ready to embark on a new journey with her, and will be joining the "Painting With Friends" group! I'm very excited about this, because I love her work, and I think it will be a ton of fun! I will be offering my patterns on my blog for sale as well as my website, Terrye's website, Ebay, and the "Painting With Friends" blog. I'll give ya the heads up when I complete my first design.
We're getting ready to turn a new leaf here at Adorable Country Classics. In a few weeks you will see a slight change in the look of my website. I will still be carrying the great products I have now, and will be adding a whole lot more as soon as the website work is complete. In this change, it will be easier to navigate my website, and that makes happy customers.
I've also been really busy filling orders as well. So it's been pretty busy around here, and my time has been limited, therefore my blog has kind of suffered, and I'm sorry about that. Hopefully I can get the work done in a timely manner so I can get back on track! I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and I will talk with you soon!~Blessings~Jody