Sunday, May 22, 2016

Cookie Jars, Butter Churns, Ceramic Canisters, Lidded Jars, Etsy Store

Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a relaxing weekend!
 I spent the weekend pouring & cleaning ceramics, which I love doing.
This week I will be finishing a canister set for a customer that will be done in ceramic paints & glazes. I will also try and finish a couple of pieces that are painted in ceramic paints & glazes, for my primitive set I'm putting together. 
I'm hoping to fire this Saturday.

I've decided to list all of the items I'm going to be making, on my Etsy store and not here on my blog.  It will make transactions smoother for my customers, and it will make it easier for me as well. 
With that being said here are the ceramic items available in my Etsy store.

Primitive Ceramic Canister Sets - Sets come 3 or 4 to a set.

Primitive Ceramic Salt & Pepper Shaker Set.

Primitive Utensil Holder

Primitive Utensil Holder

Butter Churn/Cookie Jar - Snowie

Butter Churn/Cookie Jar - Annabelle

Butter Churn/Cookie Jar - Bless My Winter Friends

Butter Churn/Cookie Jar - Santa & The Crow

Ceramic Cookie Jar - Snow Sweet Snow

Live, Laugh, Love Snowman Cookie Jar

The Three Snowman Cookie Jar

North Pole or Bust Cookie Jar

I'm hoping to add new stuff all the time to my shop. I have so many ideas of things to make & paint. So be on the lookout for them.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Thanks for stopping by today!

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