Sunday, March 6, 2016

Primitive Kitchen Canisters - Ceramic & Wood

Hi everyone! 
I've received several emails about my Primitive Kitchen Canisters and whether or not I'm going to be making anymore of them or not.

So I thought I'd write a post to answer your questions.
The answer is YES :)  I will be making more of these in ceramic. But, it will be at least another month before I start making them. I need to get my garage cleaned up and organized but, it's just to cold out there right now. As soon as it has warmed up some I will get that done so I can start making them again. When I start making them I will let you know here on my blog.

 As for the primitive wooden canisters, I'm not sure whether or not we will be able to make more of those yet or not. The reason being is, last I heard we couldn't purchase the removable rubber containers for the inside of them anymore. But I have to do some looking into this to see if we can find something that we can put inside of those that will work so their food safe.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. 
I'd like to thank everyone that has emailed me and sent me private messages asking me about these. I'm honored that so many of you love my hand painted pieces. 
Thank you!!!

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