Hello everyone! Geeze it seems so long since I posted last. How's everyone doing? I know the gals at the Old Farmhouse Gathering group have been busy! I've been busy as well! I've finished one side of the mystery project I spoke about earlier. I'm waiting for it to dry, so I can take photos and post them here. I'm also working on some really cute paintings, that I can't wait to show you! So check back in if your wanting to see these!
I've added some new Bella Taylor Handbags to my website last week. Some of the new designs for 2011 included Blue Tropic, Bejeweled, and Aqua Patch. I've also added some Americana Handbags too. Patriotic Patch, and America. We also carry Book Covers, Eye Glass Cases, Traveling Bags, Backpacks, and Makeup Pouches to match all the Handbags, so stop on over to our Bella Taylor Category to see the ones I've listed here, and more. http://www.adorablecountryclassics.com/victorian-heart-collection-vhc/bella-taylor-handbags-totes-book-covers/
I hope your all having a great week so far! Until next time,
Take Care!
I can't wait to see those works of art. I know they are all great! As you have or haven't known I have a painting blog. If you aren't doing anything you could drop by anytime. Thanks!